Thursday, December 10, 2009

Final Assignment Report

I completed part 2 and 4 of the final assignment!!
Internet Safety Reflection
1. I chose to read an article under the media entitled "Leave It Alone" by H. Burke Peterson.
2. I watched some videos on Netsmartz and iKeepSafe Faux Paws. I also watched/read some stuff on WebWiseKids.
3. I really liked the article. It effectively discusses how any media that doesn't uplift, increases the darkness inside us and diminishes the light within us.I also really liked the videos, I think that they are great sources for children and parents to discuss internet safety. My biggest take away message would definitely be that it is important to be open and talk to your family about how to chose appropriate media and internet use. I think that by talking to your family, taking preventive measures, and reinforcing rules, that you can help your family and possible future students be protected from falling media standards and internet hazards.
4. I decided I wanted to talk to two of my nephews (age 13 and 15) about media and internet safety because I have seen how they spend so much time on the computer. I asked them what they knew about internet safety and how media affects us. They knew quite a bit on internet safety because they have had talks at school, but they didn't think that media affected them much. I talked to them about how to chose good media and how it can affect individuals and the importance of setting limits and choosing wisely. They didn't really believe my at first and were surprised at how many hours they encounter media each day. I wasn't surprised at their knowledge but at their willingness to hear me out and try to limit the media and chose more wisely the media they encounter. I don't think that they will stop spending so many hours playing video games as they did before, but I think they will think about it and be more aware. It was a very interesting and fun to talk to them.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Here is my Implemented Lesson Presentation!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Technology Clips

I really enjoyed watching these videos where students were able to use technology as well as students in the classroom. I like how those teachers were able to implement so much technology into their lessons and it was there to benefit the children. I like how it helped the children discover concepts and ideas as they made discoveries while using technology. Example, I like how the spider lesson and how using technology helped the students discover. I think that the most important thing that I took away from these videos was that no matter what you are teaching or no matter what grade you are teaching, technology is a great way to promote learning. I am excited to use technology in an art lesson plan that I am implementing this week and I like the video we watched that had art and technology integrated into it. Overall, there are endless possibilities to using technology in a classroom to help and promote learning of all students.

Monday, November 2, 2009

My Technology Observations

As I observed the technology in the school, I was surprised in some aspects. I think that it is cool that they have two fully stocked computer rooms and that each grade level has access to them daily. I also was shocked that other than a personal mac in the classroom, my teacher, like most teachers, don't have much else. They have overhead projectors but not much else. They have T.V.'s and projectors to share, but there isn't much else available.
Also, I have completed assignment 2 and 3 for this week!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This is a voice thread that shows an example of the lesson described in last weeks post. Click on the close button, and the use the arrows on the bottom of the page to move backwards and forwards.
Have FUN!