Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This is a voice thread that shows an example of the lesson described in last weeks post. Click on the close button, and the use the arrows on the bottom of the page to move backwards and forwards.
Have FUN!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Science Challenge Plan

Standard 4
Students will understand the scale of size, distance between objects, movement, and apparent motion (due to Earth's rotation) of objects in the universe and how cultures have understood, related to and used these objects in the night sky.
Objective 2
Describe the appearance and apparent motion of groups of stars in the night sky relative to Earth and how various cultures have understood and used them.
C. Recognize that stars in a constellation are not all the same distance from Earth.

The Plan:
The students will have access to Google Earth Sky and look at several different types of constellations to look at in the night sky. This activity will take place after instruction on the different types of constellations and what makes up a constellation. The students will have the opportunity to investigate different types of constellations and their stories behind them as well have some knowledge of what different kinds of constellations.

Content:This science activity will focus on identifying constellations and the distance of the different stars in the constellation in reference to the Earth. The students will have access to Google Earth Sky and look at several different types of constellations to look at in the night sky.

Pedagogy:Students will name, explore, and chart 2 different constellations and each of their stars distances from the earth.

Technology:Students will have the opportunity to use the Google Earth Sky. This is a good fit with the content because students will be able to navigate and explore the constellations in 3D as well as the stars give their distance from the Earth and it seems more real creating their own charts than using a chart in a book to look at to show the distances of different stars. The technology will really enhance the pedagogy point of exploring constellations and the distances of the stars.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Looking at Other's Virtual Tours!

This is a list of the other Virtual Tours I viewed created by other students:

Ashley Daley: Ashley Daley took us on a tour of four very different civilizations. We got to view and think about the different characteristics of each civilization.

Malorie Walton: I really liked this tour that was all about New Zealand. There was a lot to explore and it was a fun way to look at New Zealand.

Alyssa Young: Alyssa's tour took us to different rivers in Africa, China, South America, and Mesopotamia. I really liked the pictures that she embeded into her tour! It was fun.

My completed Virtual Tour

Here is the link to my google sites:

The Earth's Landforms:
In this folder, you will find four different places that you can go to that discuss how the earth forms land and lakes by volcanoes and earthquakes.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Virtual Tour Plan

My Google Earth Virtual Tour Plan and TPACK questions!
Content: I will using google earth so students can actually see the landforms created by the earth's volcanoes, earthquakes, and uplift.

In my Google Earth tour, I will be addressing the Fifth Grade Science Standard 2, objective 2b: Give examples of different landforms that are formed by volcanoes, earthquakes, and uplift (e.g., mountains, valleys, new lakes, canyons).

Pedagogy: I will be letting the students discover with discovery learning what volcanoes, earthquakes and uplifts can create and I will guide them to the different things these things can form.

Technology: The technology or google earth will fit good with my content because they get the chance to actually see what they are learning about and how these different land forms look and they will discover their characteristics. It also fits pedagogy because I want them to discover on their own with guided help and google earth gives the students the ability to discover at their own pace with the knowledge they know where to go. I think that google earth is an extremely more interactive way instead of just using powerpoints or pictures which can be extremely 2D.

LocationActivity Description Google Earth Content

1. Rocky Mountain GeologySouth-Central Colorado

Land/mountains created by uplifting.

Measure the height of the mountains.
How high is it from the valley?

Turn on a layer to better see the height.
Use ruler youtube

2. Yucca Mountain is a mountain in the Nellis Military Operations in Nevada approximately 80 miles northwest of the Las Vegas.

Mountains created from earthquakes.

Have them identify the different peaks that are formed by the multiple earthquakes that created these mountains.

Details there: when the techtonic plates hit they could go ontop of each other and form a mountain

Path tool and ruler as well as a polygon maybe.


3. Redfoot Lake in Tiptonville, TN

Lakes created by earthquakes.

Measure the Lake.
Details: Created by earthquakes, this unique 13,000-acre lake offers year-round fishing and hunting.

Path tool.
Ruler and I will use a polygon to show where to measure. youtube

4. Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park

Land Created by Volcanoes.

Identify at least two vocanoes on the Hawaii islands.

Details: Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park displays the results of 70 million years of volcanism, migration, and evolution -- processes that thrust a bare land from the sea and clothed it with unique ecosystems, and a distinct human culture.

Uses layers to see the vocanoes. Image overlay to see activate volcanoes youtube